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The Role of Law Reports Video Series

The SCLR offers a series of five linked short films about law reporting in Scotland and the place of law reports in legal practice.

The celebrated ‘snail in the ginger beer bottle’ case of Donoghue v. Stevenson, which originated in Scotland, provides a useful theme as the role of precedent in the work of lawyers and the courts is explained. The films are presented as a free educational resource, especially useful for those seeking to understand the role of law reports as a primary source of law.

Supplementary Teaching Materials

The SCLR has published supplementary teaching materials in the form of three Working with Cases tutorials, to be used in conjunction with the films. These are in PDF and are free to download for printing and or adaptation and distribution to students.

SCLR has also produced Working with Cases: Comments and Solutions. These resources are available free of charge and any law teacher requiring a copy should request them, giving some details as to their role and institution and how the films are being used in their teaching. To do so, please use the contact form.